

Your child was sent home with a timeline project that will be due Friday, October 4. It is to be a timeline of at least 5 to 6 major events in your child's life, from birth until now. It can be as creative as you like, but must include the dates and events arranged in proper chronological (time) order. Have fun with it!

Your child should be reading 20 minutes a night, five days per week and logging it in his/her Reading Log.

The students will bring home a math worksheet for each night.

This week’s spelling words will be assigned by your child’s literacy teacher. The homework for all the students in this class is the following:

Monday- Copy each word three times.

Tuesday- Write all 15 words in alphabetical (ABC) order.

Wednesday- Choose 10 words and write 10 complete sentences.

Thursday- Write a story with at least 10 spelling words. Put a box around each spelling word.