Week 1

April 6th-April 9th

Reminders and Announcements

AIMS Testing- Next week, April 12th-16th, your child will be taking the AIMS test, which will cover reading and math. A few weeks ago I sent home a form that provides you with information about the AIMS test. I also included a practice test for both reading and math. It would be beneficial for your child to work on this packet at home. The concepts covered on the practice test will more than likely be on the AIMS test.

Field Trip- On April 19th we will be going to Sabino Canyon for our last field trip of the year. It is a FREE  field trip so there won’t be any money collected. There will be some hiking, so appropriate shoes will need to be worn and sunscreen applied before the trip. We will be eating lunch at Sabino Canyon, please pack a sack lunch and WATER for your child. I will be sending home a separate form with more information about the trip.

Supplies- HELP!!!!!!!!! We are running low on some essential supplies. We have about 20 pencils, 2 boxes of Kleenex, and 6 dry erase markers to last us until the end of the school year. We use these supplies frequently and need more. If any of you are willing to donate pencils, Kleenex, and/or dry erase markers it would be greatly appreciated! 

Upcoming Events

April 7- $1 Dress Down Day
April 8- Cookie Dough Arrives
April 9- Character Lunch
April 12-16- AIMS testing
April 19- Field Trip to Sabino Canyon


There will not be a spelling test this week. PLEASE make sure your child is preparing for the AIMS test with the practice tests I sent home. Every morning this week they will be working on AIMS practice sheets. They will be bringing these home each night. If you could, please work on the problems that your child is having difficulty answering. This will help prepare them for next week’s tests.

I will be sending home two worksheets each night this week that cover some of the concepts that will be on the AIMS test. Your child will be responsible for two worksheets of homework each night.

Please feel free to contact me at any point with questions or concerns. My email is alexis_perea@yahoo.com. Have a fabulous weekend!
Ms. Perea

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