Week 2

April 12th-April 16th

Reminders and Announcements

AIMS Testing- This week your child will be taking the AIMS test, which will cover reading and math. It is extremely important that your child is at school on time. Please make sure he/she is getting to bed early and is well rested each morning. Thank you for your support!

Field Trip- On April 19th we will be going to Sabino Canyon for our last field trip of the year. It is a FREE field trip so there won’t be any money collected. There will be some hiking, so appropriate shoes will need to be worn and sunscreen applied before the trip. Also, please make sure your child is in uniform. We will be eating lunch at Sabino Canyon, please pack a sack lunch and WATER for your child. I sent out a permission form last Friday and need it back by this Thursday, April 15th.

Supplies- Thanks to the parents who came to the rescue and bought some great supplies for our classroom. Your support and generosity is greatly appreciated!

Upcoming Events

April 12-16- AIMS testing
April 19- Field Trip to Sabino Canyon
April 23- Mother/Son Dance
April 26-30- Penny War Week


There will not be a spelling test this week. PLEASE make sure your child is preparing for the AIMS test with the practice tests I sent home.

I will be sending home two worksheets each night this week that cover some of the concepts that will be on the AIMS test. Your child will be responsible for two worksheets of homework each night.

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